Interactive Petrophysics


Interactive Petrophysics (IP™) was developed by a petrophysicist with a view to work as petrophysicists want to work, but never thought possible! The software is different by design – fast, accurate, versatile, and just as portable. It is an easy-to-use log analysis tool, ideal for both geologists who may wish to quality check their log data, and experienced petrophysicists who are able to carry out multi-zone, multi-well petrophysical field analyses.

IP is truly unique in its approach to petrophysics. For the expert user, IP offers some of the most sophisticated interpretation modules in the industry, such as:

– Mineral Solver – enables the most complicated models to be built
– Monte Carlo simulation – enables the user to truly understand and quantify the errors associated with a complete interpretation workflow
– Saturation Height modelling modules – facilitates the creation of Sw functions using core capillary pressure data and/or log data
– Statistical Prediction (Fuzzy Logic) – includes three analysis modules (Fuzzy logic, Multi-linear regression and Neural Networks) to estimate missing log curves and predict permeability and lithofacies from core data. Also includes Cluster analysis and Principal Component analysis modules
Rock Physics interpretation workflow – two highly sophisticated fluid substitution modules
– Pore Pressure Prediction – predicts pore pressure from log data
– Eastern European Resistivity Modelling
– Formation Test – for loading and analysis of pressure-time data from the pre-tests
– Date-Time Well – allows loading and analysis of LWD / MWD raw date-time files. Date-time data can also be converted to depth
– Real-Time Data – uses proprietary data link technology enabling a user with appropriate security clearances from logging service company data providers to connect to a remote data server and download log curve and drilling data real-time into IP using WITSML data
– Image Log Analysis

We, EastSea Star are very glad to be an exclusive agent in VietNam of IP software. If you need more information, feel free to contact us


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